Welcome to my Website. I am $moke-A-Honta$, a Cannabis Enthusiast and Medicinal Hobbie$t. I started Smoking Cannabis @ age 12 and immediately fell in Love. 20 years later and we are still together. My Love for cannabis has grown as has my knowledge. I started my first crop 6 years ago, when i thru 30 seeds in 1 pot and vuala…it grew like weeds. I began my reasearch on how to become an effective grower and after 6 years of trial and error I continue to grow as a grower and medicine women. I am dedicated to stay medicated with hope that i will reap all the medicinal benefits of cannabis and induce longevity and healthy well being from this miraculous plant. I have incorporated cannabis into my entire lifestyle with diffrent variations of the plant. My Life Goal is to share my knowledge in hopes that others will reap the benefits of Medicinal Marijuana, And we can all live happily ever after. I am an artist as well, and all artwork that i display i have created with love and passion. $moke-A-Honta$ Products Coming Soon???? Much Love & God Bless!